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    Cream Luster Orchid Lei Necklace - 20"

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    If looking for a perfect neutral tone color you must try this Cream Luster Orchid Lei Necklace. Over 350 tiny rose petal glass beads are woven into this orchid lei design. During the shutdown many international manufacturers stopped making these cream luster tones and we have not yet seen these return so are in limited availability at Akalei Designs. The small silver tone magnet end helps helps to secure it around your neck with a little groove to help it stay. - simply twist it off

    As a beautiful glass beaded necklace lei each necklace is handmade on Maui and involves meticulus attention to detail while braiding. The small rose petal beads used look similar to tiny orchid flowers, but this will endure for years. 

    These creme luster rose beads with pearlly white seed beads add a touch of elegance to any outfit and the necklace is extremely comfortalbe to wear as it drapes beautifully on the neck. This beautiful hand made style lei was made using hundreds of glass Japanese seed beads on multiple cords that are woven together on a wooden marudai stand (in a kongo gumi kumihimo braid pattern), then finished with a silver metallic magnet end cap. . You will absolutly love it - and even better it is a perfect gift for a wedding or anniversary. 

    The Orchid Lei were modeled after the beautiful Hawaiian island flower lei, the necklace and kumihimo pattern are available exclusively at Akalei Designs. Although lei are typically made from flowers, leaves, and other natural fibers, these are made using glass beads from around the globe and make the perfect "Forever Lei".

    The necklace is created using an ancient Japanese braiding technique called Kumihimo, a Japanese word for “gathered threads". This art form goes back hundreds of years as braids were made for use in armor for Japanese samurai warriors. In modern times these braids are designed as belts (obijime) that are worn as a belt with a kimono.